Saturday, December 31, 2016

Tips For a Healthy Lifestyle is Ageless

 Tips For a Healthy Lifestyle is Ageless

Health is a gift that is priceless, but sometimes, we forget to keep and grateful. How to run a healthy lifestyle was actually not difficult, simple and easy to do. You only need to pay attention to small everyday habits and if necessary, change it to make it more useful for health.

Having a healthy body is not necessarily the cost is expensive. But in fact, many people are willing to spend big to maintain the appearance and health of the body. For those of you who do not want a lot of money, do a healthy lifestyle starting from the most simple and most importantly, start from now!

Tips to make your appearance look younger
1. Set Healthy Eating  
If you want to have a youthful appearance, select energy intake calorie foods as well as to keep the mood and inadequate food that can improve metabolism, cardiovascular health and manage stress.

Expand to eat vegetables along with its roots, fruits with low glikenik (bananas, apples, grapes, oranges, kiwi, pear), and foods containing vegetable protein and lean protein. Do not count calories but count the quality. Skin, hair, nails, weight gain and mood will be affected by a healthy diet.

2. Start moving

Regular exercise is a healthy way of life that must be done. No need strenuous exercise that takes energy and time, do not need to waste money by going to the gym, just a walk around the routine of your home page.

Remember! Moving will make the heart healthy, metabolism awake and avoid stress. Gentle exercise and regular routine is a mirror of one's healthy lifestyle simple

3. Laugh

Do you believe if laughter can make the young? Besides being able to burn calories without realizing it, laugh too good for the heart because it will train the muscles of the diaphragm. Tips for a healthy lifestyle with a laugh has many proven its worth to make you stay young.

4.Reduce consumption of soft drinks

Carbonated or fizzy drinks are promising extraordinary sensation of freshness. Especially when the blistering heat seared, you feel like a free fall into a pool full of water.

That suggestion is implanted through television advertising. So that you forget about a healthy lifestyle and stockpiling sugar in carbonated drinks cause obesity.

5. Drink More Water

How many glasses of water you drink today? Did you know, 8 glasses is the minimum amount of water should you drink? And do you know the meaning of the word minimal?

Yes, we are all still lacking a lot of drinking water a day. Drink as much water is a healthy way of life that is cheap, easy and powerful way to maintain a healthy body

6. Get used to the make juice and consume

fruit or vegetable juice can be an effective way for you or family members who do not like to consume fruits and vegetables directly. There have been many creative recipes fruit juice with a delicious flavor without reducing vitamins or minerals useful in it.

Enjoy juice on a regular basis is one way of healthy lifestyle that is easy to do other than drinking water.

7. Regular sleep

sleep is very important for the beauty or your health. Besides aiming to rest the body and manage stress, sleep benefit for beauty is also very real.

Anti-aging hormone known as DHEA is actually produced while you're sleeping. Eight hours of sleep is optimal, but if you can get nine hours, it was better!

8 Make a habit of Positive Thinking

The brain is the most important part of the human body. All activities will be coordinated by the brain before it is run by a body part. Positive thinking will prevent you from stress, boost confidence and maintain the performance of other organs fixed maximum.

9. Throw Away Bad Habits.

Everyone must know the bad habits of what is done, so anything with you. Stop smoking, drinking alcohol, staying up late every night to eat fast food.

Start of reducing your bad habits and get rid of if you want to run a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Not unexpectedly, this company's initial product 10 much different now

Not unexpectedly, this company's initial product 10 much different now

You would have been familiar with the products of large companies such as Sony, LG, Toyota, IKEA, SHARP, and much more. Building a great company whose products have been accepted by the world community is certainly not an easy case. It takes time and a long process until it can be as famous as now.

Of course many people who experience if in building a business is not always immediately successful. There are many people who have to change a few times to see the type of business from which the profit. The same was done by the maker of the well-known products. Who would have thought if the initial product they are not like products that are popular today.

1. Initially, Sony Corporation is famous with electric rice cooker.

2. Know LG? Korean technology company that originally turned out to produce tooth powder.

3. Before the famous with the legendary cell phone, Nokia was a paper company and shoes. 

4. You certainly never see the sewing machine branded Toyota right? But Toyota sewing machine was never there you know!

5. Founder of the renowned furniture company IKEA turns started his business by selling          lighters and other small items

6. SHARP turns initially producing a mechanical pencil.

7. Bombardier, the aircraft manufacturing company turned out initially is a small company that manufactures snowmobiles.

8. Few people know if the company producing luxury cars is initially produce the aircraft.

9. Believe it or not, it turns out Nintendo Corporation initially producing handmade cards Hanafuda.

10. Samsung initially turns selling groceries.

5 Photos history of the revolution Indonesia

5 Photos history of the revolution Indonesia

In April 2016 in Amsterdam Museum exhibited under the title "Colonial War 1945-1949 - desired and undesired images".
National Revolution was an armed conflict and disagreement between the Republic of Indonesia's diplomacy newborn against the Dutch were aided by the allies. The series of these events occurred from the proclamation of Indonesian independence until the recognition of the independence of Indonesia by the Netherlands on December 29, 1949.

In the event turned out to be a lot of photos that have been stored neatly by the Dutch and not published. Until finally in April 2016 dipublikasikanlah the photos in the Amsterdam Museum with the title "Colonial War 1945-1949 - desired and undesired images" W.F.J Pielage shots.

1. The Indonesian fighters fell in the trenches, there were covered with palm leaves. Also looked stakes were used as a weapon.

2. Three young Indonesian fighters were caught, they were seen was injured and ankles bound.
3. The Dutch soldier casually aimed their weapons to the Indonesian troops who had surrendered in Solo, 1948
4. The formation of the Dutch East Indies Army or KNIL (Koninklijk Nederland Indische Leger) is in the collection of Indonesian soldiers. Among them was captured, wounded, and killed.

5. The Indonesian soldiers who pulled out of the ditch.

In pictures: early Victorian photography

In pictures: early Victorian photography

An exhibition exploring one of the earliest forms of paper photography – salt prints – opens at Tate Britain this month, with some 90 rare examples on show. Invented by William Henry Fox Talbot in the mid-19th century, the salt print technique involved soaking paper in silver iodide salts to register a negative image that, when photographed again, created permanent paper positives. The works displayed are among the few salt prints that survive.

Cantinière [woman attached to a military regiment], by Roger Fenton, 1855 © Wilson Centre for Photography

Base of the Obelisk, by James Robertson, c1854 © Wilson Centre for Photography

Mother and Son, by Jean-Baptiste Frenet, 1855 © Wilson Centre for Photography

The Fruitsellers, by Calvert Jones, 1843 © Wilson Centre for Photography

Elizabeth Rigby, later Lady Eastlake, with Cupid Statuette, by Hill & Adamson, c1845 © Wilson Centre for Photography

William Morton, One of Dr. Kanes’s Men, by John S. Johnston, c1857 © Wilson Centre for Photography

The Legendary Origins of Merlin the Magician

The Legendary Origins of Merlin the Magician

Most people today have heard of Merlin the Magician, as his name has been popularized over the centuries and his story has been dramatized in numerous novels, films, and television programs. The powerful wizard is depicted with many magical powers, including the power of shapeshifting and is well-known in mythology as a tutor and mentor to the legendary King Arthur, ultimately guiding him towards becoming the king of Camelot. While these general tales are well-known, Merlin’s initial appearances were only somewhat linked to Arthur. It took many decades of adaptations before Merlin became the wizard of Arthurian legend he is known as today.

It is common belief that Merlin was created as a figure for Arthurian legend.  While Merlin the Wizard was a very prominent character in the stories of Camelot, that is not where he originated.  Writer Geoffrey of Monmouth is credited with creating Merlin in his 1136 AD work, Historia Regum Britanniae – The History of Kings of Britain. While a large portion of Historia Regum Britanniae is a historical account of the former kings of Britain, Merlin was included as a fictional character (although it is likely that Geoffrey intended for readers to believe he was a figure extracted from long-lost ancient texts). Merlin was paradoxical, as he was both the son of the devil and the servant of God.
Merlin was created as a combination of several historical and legendary figures. Geoffrey combined stories of North Brythonic prophet and madman, Myrddin Wyllt, and Romano-British war leader, Ambrosius Aurelianus, to create Merlin Ambrosius. Ambrosius was a figure in Nennius' Historia Brittonum.  In Historia Brittonum, British king Vortigern wished to erect a tower, but each time he tried it would collapse before completion. He was told that to prevent this, he would have to first sprinkle the ground beneath the tower with the blood of a child who was born without a father. Ambrosius was thought to have been born without a father, so he was brought before Vortigern. Ambrosius explains to Vortigern that the tower could not be supported upon the foundation because two battling dragons lived beneath, representing the Saxons and the Britons. Ambrosius convinced Vortigern that the tower will only stand with Ambrosius as a leader, and Vortigern gave Ambrosius the tower, which is also the kingdom. Geoffrey retells this story with Merlin as the child born without a father, although he retains the character of Ambrosius.

Illumination of a 15th century manuscript of Historia Regum Britanniae showing king of the Britons Vortigern and Ambros waching the fight between two dragons
Illumination of a 15th century manuscript of Historia Regum Britanniae showing king of the Britons Vortigern and Ambros waching the fight between two dragons

In Geoffrey’s version of the story, he includes a long section containing Merlin’s prophecies, along with two other stories, which led to the inclusion of Merlin into Arthurian legend. These include the tale of Merlin creating Stonehenge as the burial location for Ambrosius, and the story of Uther Pendragon sneaking into Tintagel where he father Arthur with Igraine, his enemy’s wife. This was the extent of Geoffrey’s tales of Merlin. Geoffrey does not include any stories of Merlin acting as a tutor to Arthur, which is how Merlin is most well-known today. Geoffery’s character of Merlin quickly became popular, particularly in Wales, and from there the tales were adapted, eventually leading to Merlin’s role as Arthur’s tutor.

                     A giant helps Merlin build Stonehenge. From a manuscript of the Roman de Brut by Wace

Many years after Geoffrey’s Historia Regum Britanniae, Robert de Boron composed a poem called Merlin. Boron’s Merlin has the same origins as Geoffrey’s creation, but Boron places special emphasis on Merlin’s shapeshifting powers, connection to the Holy Grail, and his jokester personality. Boron also introduces Blaise, Merlin’s master. Boron’s poem was eventually re-written in prose as Estoire de Merlin, which also places much focus upon Merlin’s shapeshifting. Over the years, Merlin was interspersed through the tales of Arthurian legend. Some writings placed much focus upon Merlin as Arthur’s mentor, while others did not mention Merlin at all. In some tales Merlin was viewed as an evil figure who did no good in his life, while in others he was viewed favorably as Arthur’s teacher and mentor.
Eventually, from the various tales emerged Merlin’s downfall, at the hands of Niviane (Vivien), the king of Northumberland’s daughter. Arthur convinces Niviane to stay in his castle, under Merlin’s encouragement. Merlin falls in love with Niviane. However, Niviane fears Merlin will use his magical powers to take advantage of her. She swears that she will never fall in love with him, unless he teaches her all of the magic he knows. Merlin agrees. Merlin and Niviane depart to return to Northumberland, when they are called back to assist King Arthur. As they are returning, they stop to stay in a stone chamber, where two lovers once died and were buried together. When Merlin falls asleep, Niviane places him under a spell, and traps him within the stone tomb, where he dies. Merlin had never realized that his desire for Niviane, and his willingness to teach her his magical ways, would eventually lead to his untimely death.

Merlin and Vivien dated 1867 by Gustave Dore

om Merlin’s inception through the writings of Geoffrey, the wizard appeared in many subsequent tales, stories, and poems. Today, Merlin is most well-known for being the wizard who tutored and taught the young Arthur, before he grew to become the King of Camelot. It was under Merlin’s counsel that Arthur became the king that he was. While this legend continues on today, it is interesting to see the many variations of Merlin, from an evil wizard, to a shapeshifter, to one who met his downfall from teaching his powers to the woman he loved. This powerful and versatile character caught the attention of many people centuries ago, and continues to play a prominent role in today’s storytelling.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Love Story of Romeo and Juliet

The Love Story of Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is an enduring tragic love story written by William Shakespeare about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding families. Shakespeare borrowed his plot from an original Italian tale.  It is believed Romeo and Juliette were based on actual characters from Verona.

The Montague and Capulet families are feuding.  The Prince of Verona intervenes and declares that any further fighting will be punishable by death.

When the Count of Paris approaches Lord Capulet about marrying his daughter, Juliet, he is wary of the request because she is only thirteen.  Capulet asks the Count of Paris to wait another two years and invites him to attend a ball.  Lady Capulet and Juliet's nurse urge Juliet to accept Paris' courtship.

In the Montague house, Benvolio talks with his cousin Romeo, Lord Montague's son, about Romeo's recent melancholy.  Benvolio discovers Romeo's unrequited infatuation for a girl named Rosaline, a niece of Lord Capulet's nieces.  Persuaded by Benvolio Romeo attends the ball at the Capulet house in hopes of meeting Rosaline.  But it is not Rosaline who sweeps him off his feet - it is the fair Juliette.

After the ball, Romeo sneaks into the Capulet courtyard and overhears Juliet on her balcony vowing her love to him in spite of her family's hatred for his family.  Romeo makes himself known to her and they agree to be married.

Juliet's Balcony in Verona

With the help of a friar, who hopes to reconcile the two families through their children's union, they are secretly married the next day.
Juliet's cousin Tybalt, incensed that Romeo had crashed the Capulet ball, challenges him to a duel. Romeo, now considering Tybalt his kinsman, refuses to fight.  Romeo's friend, Mercutio is offended by Tybalt's insolence, as well as Romeo's "vile submission" and accepts the duel on Romeo's behalf. Mercutio is fatally wounded when Romeo attempts to break up the fight.  Grief-stricken and wracked with guilt, Romeo confronts and slays Tybalt.

Montague argues that Romeo has justly fought and killed Tybalt for the murder of Mercutio.  The Prince exiles Romeo from Verona and declares that if Romeo returns, he will be executed.   

Romeo secretly spends the night in Juliet's chamber, where they make love for the first and last time, consummating their marriage.  In the morning, he prepares to leave and kisses her one last time. 
Lord Capulet, misinterpreting Juliet's grief, agrees to marry her to Count Paris and threatens to disown her when she refuses.  Juliette pleads for the marriage to be delayed, but her mother rejects her.

Juliet visits Friar Laurence for help, and he offers her a drug that will put her into a death-like coma for forty-two hours.  The Friar promises to send a messenger to inform Romeo of the plan, so that he can rejoin her when she awakens.  On the night before her wedding to the Count, Juliet takes the drug and, when discovered apparently dead, she is laid in the family crypt.

The messenger, however, failed to reach Romeo and, instead, he learned of Juliet's apparent demise from his servant.  Heartbroken, Romeo buys poison from an apothecary and goes to the Capulet crypt.  There, he encounters Count Paris who has come to mourn Juliet privately.

Believing Romeo to be a vandal, Paris confronts him and, in the ensuing battle, Romeo kills Paris. Still believing Juliet to be dead, Romeo drinks the poison. 

The feuding families and the Prince meet at the tomb to find all three dead.  The Friar recounts their story.  The families are reconciled by their children's deaths and agree to end their violent feud.

Facts SCP 169, Giant Sea Monster Leviathan

Facts SCP 169, Giant Sea Monster Leviathan

SCP 169 or also known as "giant sea monster Leviathan" is one of the plots in the project SCP Foundantion (Secure, Contain, Protect) a body of secret organization of non-profit government's duty to investigate the existence of ancient animals prehistoric, technology biological weapons, cloningan humans as well a wide variety of experimental artificial living beings. Unknown until now secret documentation Foundantion SCP has been able to collect the sample in 2999 and still continues to research development for the advancement of science.

On sighting SCP 169 Leviathan itself a lot of people who judge that the figure SCP 169 is just a myth, or the result of an imaginative essay. But researchers from the organization SCP Foundantion bold claim, that monster of the primeval ocean predators have already managed to find its existence though they are often on the move.

The last sighting was successful they found in the Atlantic Ocean (the boundaries of the northern United States) using satellite imagery and analysis eccentric orbit trajectory.

Statistical data recording imaging illustrates how super the magnitude of the ancient creature's SCP-169. Body length reaches 2000 to 8000 kilometers. Can you imagine the size of his body like an island in which we live. Age Leviathan or SCP-169 is also expected to come from the beginning of the first life on Earth, from the pre-Cambrian era dinosaur civilization.

Animal Sightings Photo Ancient Giant SCP 169

Too often users access Facebook Can Make Passion

Too often users access Facebook Can Make Passion

Spend time lingering on Facebook for just curious about something seems to be likely to cause misery.

More recently, a team of researchers at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, found that social media users active and passive can reduce the level of life satisfaction as well an emotional condition.

The use of passive in question is a user only sees what he uploaded by other users without any interaction.

Previous participants to follow the pre-test given by the researchers to see how they use Facebook for this and find out if the user falls into active or passive.

"The participants were istrirahat for one week from Facebook recorded a higher level of life satisfaction and emotional state better," says researcher

Meanwhile, research carried out with the involvement of 1,095 participants in Denmark are divided into several groups.

So, should you stop using Facebook? The answer is, it is not necessary. The reason, according to the results of the study, all of it is concerned with how people use Facebook.

Facebook users categorized as "heavy users", "passive users" and "user envious". Each of them has a different impact when you're not using Facebook for one week.

Having explored further, heavy users of Facebook needs to reduce its activity on Facebook to improve his living conditions.

"If someone tends to frequently envious when using Facebook, he should avoid seeing certain things, (such as specific friend) that causes the user's envy," says the study.

Meanwhile, for the passive Facebook users should avoid this behavior. When you change the behavior on Facebook is quite difficult, passive users are advised to stop using social networking made by Mark Zuckerberg.

Research like this is not the first time performed. Earlier, in 2013, a study found that Facebook has a negative influence on the behavior of early adult age. While in 2014, a study said, the use of Facebook could lead to depression.

Penampakan UFO `Piramida Raksasa` Tertangkap Melayang di Brazil

Penampakan UFO `Piramida Raksasa` Tertangkap Melayang di Brazil

UFO `Payung Raksasa` di Sao Paulo (Mirror)

Sao Paulo - Fenomena penampakan Unindentified Flying Objects (UFO) terbang di Bumi memangmenjadi isu menarik. Meski memang belum bisa dipastikan kebenarannya, sebagian besar orang (khususnya kalangan UFO enthusiast) percaya bahwa beberapa dari banyaknya foto penampakan benda luar angkasa yang terbang melintasi langit di berbagai wilayah Bumi itu memang benar-benar ada.

Terkini, penampakan UFO kembali tertangkap melayang di langit Sao Paulo, Brazil. Penampakan tersebut diabadikan secara tidak sengaja oleh kamera Nikon milik seorang warga setempat bernama Denis Deco. Ia baru menyadari setelah ia mencoba zoom in beberapa foto yang ia abadikan, terdapat sebuah objek janggal menyerupai payung raksasa terbang di langit.

Menurut informasi yang tim Tekno kutip dari Mirror, Jumat (23/10/2015), Denis mengambil foto pemandangan langit di daerah Mogi das Cruz, sebuah kota kecil di Sao Paulo pukul 09.00 waktu setempat.

"Saya menggunakan kamera Nikon P600, dan saya telah melakukan zoom in sebanyak 60 kali. Barulah saya menyadari ada objek yang saya pikir sebuah burung. Namun setelah saya zoom in lebih dekat lagi, objek tersebut tampak seperti payung raksasa. Teman saya justru bilang objek itu terlihat seperti piramida," tuturnya.

cott Waring, pengamat objek luar angkasa dari UFO Sightings Daily mengatakan bahwa tampaknya objek misterius tersebut bisa saja merupakan UFO. Ia mengatakan penampakan tersebut tidaklah baru, ia pernah melihat penampakan serupa namun lebih cenderung tampak seperti piramida raksasa yang melayang di langit.

"Bentuk UFO ini pernah terekam sebelumnya. Pada 5 Oktober 1996, saya mendapatkan rekaman dari seorang pilot di Pelotas, Brazil yang merekam sebuah objek piramida raksasa melayang di langit dan bahkan terdapat beberapa pesawat kecil lainnya yang mengikuti UFO tersebut," pungkas Waring.

Sebelumnya, objek misterius yang diklaim UFO juga sempat melayang di wilayah Rusia. Penampakan tersebut dirilis oleh sebuah sebuah kelompok peneliti kehidupan luar angkasa yang mereka juluki dengan nama `SecureTeam10`. Jika di-zoom lebih dekat, bentuk pesawat luar angkasa tersebut seperti makhluk reptil.

Sejauh ini, memang belum bisa dipastikan rangkaian penampakan objek angkasa aneh ini merupakan UFO atau tidak. Bagaimana dengan Anda, apakah memang objek-objek misterius tersebut merupakan `kendaraan` para Alien?