Thursday, December 29, 2016

5 Photos history of the revolution Indonesia

5 Photos history of the revolution Indonesia

In April 2016 in Amsterdam Museum exhibited under the title "Colonial War 1945-1949 - desired and undesired images".
National Revolution was an armed conflict and disagreement between the Republic of Indonesia's diplomacy newborn against the Dutch were aided by the allies. The series of these events occurred from the proclamation of Indonesian independence until the recognition of the independence of Indonesia by the Netherlands on December 29, 1949.

In the event turned out to be a lot of photos that have been stored neatly by the Dutch and not published. Until finally in April 2016 dipublikasikanlah the photos in the Amsterdam Museum with the title "Colonial War 1945-1949 - desired and undesired images" W.F.J Pielage shots.

1. The Indonesian fighters fell in the trenches, there were covered with palm leaves. Also looked stakes were used as a weapon.

2. Three young Indonesian fighters were caught, they were seen was injured and ankles bound.
3. The Dutch soldier casually aimed their weapons to the Indonesian troops who had surrendered in Solo, 1948
4. The formation of the Dutch East Indies Army or KNIL (Koninklijk Nederland Indische Leger) is in the collection of Indonesian soldiers. Among them was captured, wounded, and killed.

5. The Indonesian soldiers who pulled out of the ditch.

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