Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Too often users access Facebook Can Make Passion

Too often users access Facebook Can Make Passion

Spend time lingering on Facebook for just curious about something seems to be likely to cause misery.

More recently, a team of researchers at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, found that social media users active and passive can reduce the level of life satisfaction as well an emotional condition.

The use of passive in question is a user only sees what he uploaded by other users without any interaction.

Previous participants to follow the pre-test given by the researchers to see how they use Facebook for this and find out if the user falls into active or passive.

"The participants were istrirahat for one week from Facebook recorded a higher level of life satisfaction and emotional state better," says researcher

Meanwhile, research carried out with the involvement of 1,095 participants in Denmark are divided into several groups.

So, should you stop using Facebook? The answer is, it is not necessary. The reason, according to the results of the study, all of it is concerned with how people use Facebook.

Facebook users categorized as "heavy users", "passive users" and "user envious". Each of them has a different impact when you're not using Facebook for one week.

Having explored further, heavy users of Facebook needs to reduce its activity on Facebook to improve his living conditions.

"If someone tends to frequently envious when using Facebook, he should avoid seeing certain things, (such as specific friend) that causes the user's envy," says the study.

Meanwhile, for the passive Facebook users should avoid this behavior. When you change the behavior on Facebook is quite difficult, passive users are advised to stop using social networking made by Mark Zuckerberg.

Research like this is not the first time performed. Earlier, in 2013, a study found that Facebook has a negative influence on the behavior of early adult age. While in 2014, a study said, the use of Facebook could lead to depression.

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