Friday, January 6, 2017

devil cramp

scientific explanation overlain by the devil when in sleep

In Indonesia , the state is known as the "devil cramp", in Turkey called the karabasan which means devil visits during sleep, in Japan called Kanashibari which means someone who is bound by spirits, in your heart, I am referred to as what?

This phenomenon was initially often associated with mystical things, but as time passes and more intelligent human ability to think, the cause of the phenomenon is suppressed demons can be explained scientifically.
The study in 2011 conducted by Pennsylvania State University states that 7.6% of the general human population has a problem sleep paralysis. People with mental disorders such as anxiety and depression are more likely to experience sleep paralysis Previously let us first know several phases that occur when we want to sleep, the following is the sequence of sleep phases: 1. The current phase we are semi-conscious and start a little bit asleep. This phase takes place in more or less for 3-5 minutes 2. Phase asleep inside, this is the initial phase when we actually slept. This phase lasts between 10-30 minutes 3. Phase asleep deeper or commonly called NREM, at this stage someone has started it is difficult to awaken. 4. Phase Rem (Rapid eye movement) so called because in this phase usually eyeball began twitching, irregular breath, increased heart rhythms, brain activity is active and dreams occur when this phase. In this phase, the brain is also crippled most of the movement of the body such as hands and feet. Usually from a semi-conscious sleep phase directly to the REM phase. It happens when a person is awake, his mind had begun to realize, but the body is still in a state of sleep, that's what makes the body feel paralyzed and unable to move, causing the imagination as if it were bound and crushed heavy loads. How to avoid this by not panic, adjust the breath, relax and pray to God. Problem Solved.

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